Saturday, December 11, 2021

Spoon Beetle SWAPS

 Spoon Beetle SWAPS

Materials: Air-dry clay or plaster of Paris, plastic spoon, jewelry back pin, jewelry wire (~1” piece)
Also need: Paint or drawing materials, glue
Optional materials: Clear coat spray, desired decorative elements such as googly eyes

  1. Either use air dry clay or plaster of Paris (if using plaster of Paris, be sure to mix it according to instructions on the box), mold your clay or plaster into the bowl of a plastic spoon and let it harden (preferably overnight).
  2. Once it is dry, you should be able to slide the clay or plaster right off the spoon. The mold is then ready to paint!
  3. Paint your beetle and allow time to dry. If desired, especially with tempera paint or other non-waterproof material, have an adult assist with spraying a clear coat of paint over your beetle. Allow the clear coat to dry.
  4. Decorate your beetle! Googly eyes are particularly ideal decorative elements.
  5. Attach your jewelry pin to the back of your beetle. Especially for air-dry clay, it is ideal to use some jewelry wire to secure the pin like a staple and add glue for further strength in holding the pin in place.

This SWAPS complements activities in at least one Adventure!

Recommended Adventure Tie-In:

Tiger = My Tiger Jungle

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fuzzy Inchworm SWAPS


Fuzzy Inchworm SWAPS

Materials: ~3” fuzzy pipe cleaner, 2 small googly eyes (sticker kind preferred), string, large safety pin (may choose to mark the bar side of the pin to distinguish from opening/spear side)

  1. Bend pipe cleaner so it has a hump in the middle to form the shape of an inchworm.

  2. Tie the fuzzy pipe cleaner to the bar (or non-opening) side of the safety pin, both near the head and near the end of the inchworm. Trim the string.

  3. Attach the googly eyes (if not using sticker googly eyes, then glue dots or regular glue can be used to attach them).

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Pet Ghost (Finger Puppet) In A Bag SWAPS


Pet Ghost (Finger Puppet) In A Bag SWAPS
“Easy care pet. No food. No water. No litter.”

Materials: cotton ball, two small googly eyes, small plastic jewelry bag, a safety pin.

Also needed: glue

  1. Carefully push a finger into the cotton ball without poking a hole all the way through. Aim to shape it like a mini ghost. If needed/desired, glue around any weak spots and/or around the top of the shaped cotton ball to hold its desired shape and allow time to dry.

  2. Glue the googly eyes and allow time to dry.

  3. When not using your ghost as a finger puppet, carefully flatten and place it inside the bag for safekeeping.

  4. Stick the safety pin through the bag to turn into a SWAPS.

This SWAPS is fun because it can be used as an actual (though small) puppet!

This SWAPS ties in wonderfully with at least one Adventure!
Recommended Adventure Tie-In:
Tiger = Tiger Theater

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Perler Tiger Scout SWAPS

 Perler Tigers Scout SWAPS Instructions:
(Perler Beads AKA Iron Beads or Fuse Beads)

Materials: Perler Pegboard (at least 12 x 14), Perler Beads (2 green, 18 black, 24 white, 46 orange, 10 blue), jewelry/wire loops (as desired), safety pin
Also needed: Glue Gun, equipment/materials to iron Perler Beads

  1. Follow the pattern below to create your Tiger Scout. 
  2. Follow instructions/method for your Perler/Fuse Beads to iron your Tiger Scout. (This step may require adult or adult assistance as needed)
  3. Use a glue gun to reinforce the diagonals that can read either as neckerchief tails or legs (glue can be faintly seen in the sample image above)
  4. Use jewelry loop(s) to attach the safety pin to the finished Tiger Scout. 

((Note: Pattern from a design found on Pinterest))

Monday, August 30, 2021

Tiger Tracker SWAPS or Den Doodle

 Tiger Tracker SWAPS or Den Doodle

Materials: 3D printed pawprint base*, twine or string, small rubber band, pony beads (listed below), and optional safety pin.

Bead Colors (can be revised as desired):

  • 3 Black: At-Home Rank Requirements Completed
    (Includes: Cyber Chip, Protect Yourself Rules, and Duty to God Adventure)

  • 1 Yellow: Bobcat Rank Completed

  • 1 White: First Elective Adventure Completed (Required Elective for Rank)

  • 5 Orange: Required Adventures Completed as Den
    (Includes: Games Tigers Play, My Tiger Jungle, Team Tiger, Tiger Bites,
    and Tigers in the Wild Adventures)

  • 1 Gold: Tiger Rank Completed

  • ⪯12 Red Orange: Elective Adventures Completed

*I designed the model for the Tiger Tracker Base in SketchUp

Scouts add the beads of the appropriate color to their Tracker as they complete requirements for Rank and additional Tiger Adventures during the year. The idea for this tracker is based on an early tradition in Tiger Scouts where they received beads rather than the Adventures/Belt Loops they earn in the current Tiger Scout program.

Note that the At-Home vs. Den Requirements are based on what is scheduled in my Den and you can change or revise the colors to match how your Den completes requirements.

I allowed my Tigers to vote on whether they wanted to keep their Tracker themselves, with the option to wear it on their neckerchief or as a temporary patch on their uniform, OR if they wanted to have their trackers displayed with their Den Flag as a Den Doodle.

This SWAPS can be a great tie-in for the first meeting at the beginning of the year, particularly if you are working on an Adventure like Team Tiger which focuses on being a Tiger Scout.

Recommended Adventure Tie-In:

Tiger = Team Tiger Adventure, Earning Your Stripes Adventure, or Rank Requirements

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Soda Cap Boat SWAPS


Mini Boat SWAPS

Materials: Plastic bottle cap, string, toothpick/dowel/or wooden skewer, scrap paper, safety pin
Also needed: Glue and/or hot glue, scissors

Optional: decorations for ship and/or paint 

  1. Take a recycled bottle cap and hot glue string in a loop to be able to attach a safety pin to the boat when not in use.

  2. Trim a stick, dowel, skewer, or toothpick to the desired size for your mast (Be careful that a mast too tall will make the mini ship top-heavy). Hot glue the dowel, skewer, or toothpick for the mast of your ship to the center of the bottle cap.

  3. Use scrap paper to cut a sail. Paint, color, or decorate the sail as you desire.

  4. Punch holes into the sail and slide onto the mast. You can style your sail and ship however you choose.

  5. Decorate the mini ship as desired.

  6. Attach a safety pin on your string loop or have fun floating your mini ship!

Ideally, you should be able to float your mini ship in the water (leave the safety pin off as needed)! 

This SWAPS ties in wonderfully with the annual tradition of the Raingutter Regatta! For young scouts, this one may require the assistance of an adult partner if they need hot glue, but can easily be done on their own. Additionally, I know at least one Adventure where it can be a great tie-in craft!
Recommended Adventure Tie-In:
Tiger = Floats and Boats

Mini Kite SWAPS


Mini Kite SWAPS

Materials: cardstock or colored paper, two toothpicks, a piece of ribbon or string (curling ribbon is a favorite), a safety pin.
Also needed: glue and drawing materials (crayons, pencils, or markers)

  1. Cut out a diamond on your paper to make the kite, ideally, the long side is ~2 inches or the length of your toothpicks.
  2. Color your paper, if desired.
  3. Glue the toothpicks in a lowercase t-shape onto one side of the paper to make the frame of your mini kite. You may cut the crossing toothpick in half to glue it flat on the paper.
  4. Trim toothpicks as needed.
  5. Trim or curl the ribbon of your choice and glue it to the bottom of the kite for a tail.
  6. Punch the safety pin through kite paper and pin. 

This SWAPS lends well to scout-themed designs if desired.